Tuesday 7 April 2015

CLIL teachers on Twitter

Hello dear readers,

Before beginning with mi digital ebook, I would like to tell you about our Twitter Project at university:

One of my courses in this Master is about the use of ICTs and other digital resources in Primary Bilingual Education. As part of the content of this area, we have to learn how to use social networks as interactive tools for teaching. Our professor @mjgsm encouraged us to create a twitter handle (@MartaLFabero28) and to spread out all our learning outcomes using the course hashtag #ictclil_urjc 

So, if you enjoy this blog and you would like to have a look at my peers' work, click on the hashtag link!


CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is the approach that integrates the teaching of content from our curriculum with the teaching of a non-native language.
Currently, this is the best approach in the Spanish Bilingual Program due to globalization and academic inflation. The students are required to be fully competent in the use of a foreign language and this means that there must be a balance between their four skills development (reading, writing, speaking and listening).
In past generations, we learnt to know about the language and the activities in school were clearly focused on reading and writing development. As a consequence, adults are still suffering nightmares about their first trip to a foreign country where they were trying to distinguish the present perfect in that speedy mix of weirdly pronounced words.
Fortunately, things are progressively changing. Using CLIL method, students are able to acquire the language in a natural environment, using it as a vehicle for communication in the different curricular areas. This means, that they are able to use English in a wide variety of contexts, developing the four skills that allow them to be competent in a language.

My students are not going to know about the language because I want to teach them how to use it. I want them to be able to enjoy music, books and conversations with people all over the world.

Break the intricate bonds with textbook and grammar and begin to enjoy teaching!

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